CIE 2006 "physiologically-relevant" LMS functions
See: CIE (2006). Fundamental chromaticity diagram with physiological axes – Part 1 Technical Report 170-1. Vienna: Central Bureau of the Commission Internationale de l' Éclairage. These functions are the same as the CVRL functions, proposed by us. The data are provided either as ascii csv (comma separated values) files, as ascii xml (extensible markup language) files, as html tables—which appear in your browser window, or as dynamic graphical plots. Select the data format, the data stepsize and the data units and click the "Submit" button. For further details and references click
. The logarithmic functions are given to 5 dp, while the corresponding linear versions are given to 6 sf. Versions to 8 dp or 9 sf can be found here.
Use the 8dp or 9sf versions to avoid the rounding errors in the 5th decimal place or 6th significant figure that arise when calculations are performed between different forms of the colorimetric and/or photometric data.
2-deg LMS fundamentals based on the Stiles and Burch 10-deg CMFs adjusted to 2-deg
10-deg LMS fundamentals based on the Stiles and Burch 10-deg CMFs
2-deg functions
10-deg functions
2-deg functions
10-deg functions